Web Design Mumbai Important Elements That Decide The Proficiency Of A Web Design Company

By | June 9, 2021

Web design Mumbai Important elements that decide the proficiency of a web design company


Yogesh G

Web design includes many work streams. Graphic designing is just one part of web designing, and then there is programming, coding, search engine optimization, interface designing, and also software designing to the extent of user experience. It may be evident that this is no cup of tea for one particular designer to cover all of the work streams, so the web design firm works with the team of experts in each stream.

Web designing industry has developed at large in Mumbai; as such you find many options for your website designing. Web designing can be done using different tools like Word press, Adobe Kuler, pictaculous, colorzilla, dribble, Hues and many more. Each tool has its own benefits and can be used as per your requirements. The details of the web designing tools are out of the preview of this article. Let us see what the aspects are to look for in a

web design Mumbai



1. Correctness of the code

The very basic requirement for an effective web design is the correctness of the code and scripting being used. Otherwise the website may become error prone. Standards must be set for coding and scripting and they must be supported by W3C.

2. Designing for Communication or marketing

A webpage as an audio visual medium of communication is very effective way of displaying your business prospects. The Services or products that you offer as a part of your business can be displayed on your website. Marketing basics tell us that any marketing effort should be targeted towards a specific set of people who are more likely to purchase your goods or services for their use. From the web designing perspective, the designer should understand the taste and cultural values of such set of people, so that, he can produce a web design appealing to them. The theme and look of the web pages of the said website should be such that it should easily connect with the target customer.

3. Layout of the web pages

Page layout coupled with the design of the web page forms a major part of website interface. So, there is a huge importance to page layout in web designing process. Pixel width for the screen and the resolution of the current popular browsers should be considered. It is advised that these specifications should be set with the current most popular browsers. Fluid layouts are preferred over hard coded grid layout because they give more flexibility to the display in terms of content blocks, navigation areas, advertisement patches and sidebars.

As a thumb rule the layout should be such that the user should have minimum need of horizontal scroll. With invent of the CSS3, responsive web design is the newest in-thing.

4. Interface

If the user understands how the particular website works, then and only then he will pay attention to the content and will understand the products and services displayed by you. Thus the interface of the website should be simple and easy to understand and yet intriguing to create interest in the user. Use of interactive functions and in turn effective coding and scripting skills along with knowledge of plugin s become important for the advancement of the website. Mumbai can offer value for money web design options even if the advances knowledge of coding interface called in for additional costs.

5. Motion graphics

With the advancement in the internet, use of motion graphics came to fore ground. Motion graphics is a very effective tool for enhancing user experience with your website.

The author is a scholar who has researched a lot about

Web Design Mumbai

companies and the latest trends arising due to the advent of new technologies in the field.

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