Preventing Male Organ Rash From Manscaping Best Male Grooming Techniques

By | January 8, 2022

Malehair removal, colloquially known as manscaping, is a growing trend among menthese days.No longer aconcern just for the ladies, men are faced with the very personal decision toremain au natural, go completely bare, or land somewhere safely in the middleof the continuum.There aremany different things for a man to consider when electing to manscapeincluding: aesthetics, upkeep and even hygiene. While some men do not givemanscaping a second thought, others meticulously groom themselves as part of adailymale organ careroutine.Men who are on the fence about thishot trend should read on for the inside info on manscaping, as well aspreventing male organ rash from shaving.

Thedifferent degrees of manscaping

Whenit comes to the virtual hair canvas that most men are, the grooming possibilitiesare almost endless. While some men may elect to get quite creative with theirbody hair, the most typical styles are listed below.

Wildand unruly:Somemen and women feel that men are men are men and their body hair should bemanly.Men who go theuntamed route, dont care if they have a thicket of body hair pushing its wayout the top of the shirt collar, or a reverse treasure trail down theirback.Thats all well andgood but best to remain civilized and keep the nose and ear hair to a bareminimum.

Trimmingthe hedges:Menwho prefer a trimmed look may just take the old scissors round the bushes oncein a while to keep things under control.These men appreciate the rugged look,but dont want to look like a close relative of a cave man either.A quick buzz with an electric trimmercan also take down coarse body hair in a jiff, making it an easy manscapingoption.

Upclose and personal:Menseeking a smoother look may prefer to shave their body hair.Common areas include the chest, back,and neck, in addition to the below the belt region.Careful wielding of the razor isnecessary; however, nobody wants to nick their nether regions during thisprocess.

Thefull Monty:Menlooking for the smoothest skin possible may elect to go the full Monty inother words, no body hair whatsoever.Womenhave come to know this process as the Brazilian and for most effectiveresults, waxing is often the best method.Some men also choose to wax theirchest, eyebrows, face, arms, legs and believe it or not their butt. Thougha painful process, waxing can keep the hair at bay for 4 weeks or more,depending on the coarseness of the hair.Though an at home kit may seem like agood idea, its not; body waxing ofthat areais best performed by a professional.

Whatare the benefits?

Somemen simply prefer to be hair free, or at least have partners who prefer andenjoy that benefit. Other men tout the benefits of improved hygiene, as theyfeel the area may be easier to clean without the thicket of hair to dealwith.They may be on tosomething, considering the fact that bacteria and yeast tend to thrive in warm,moist places. A decreased body odor may be another positive side effect to ashaved sac, given the fact that pelvic hair can trap and hold the scent ofsweat and urine in the area.Lastly,and probably the most popular reason for a little manscaping: the addedinch.No, the length ofones pelvic hair is not inversely related to the size of ones male organ ifit were everyman would bewaxing. However, cleaning up the area a bit does create the illusion of alonger Johnson. Without all that messy hair in the way, ones shaft in all itsglory can be seen, which makes it appear longer than before.

Maleorgan care and grooming

Whatevermanscaping route a man chooses, he is at risk of getting the occasional maleorgan rash from razor burn or ingrown hair.While perfectly harmless, these littlebeauties can be quite painful to get rid of.Using a shaving cream, shaving withthe grain of the hair not against and using amaleorgan vitamin creamcan allhelp prevent painful male organ bumps.Amale organ vitamin lotion particularly one with bacteria fighting Vitamin A (most professionals recommend Man 1Man Oil)can help eliminatebacteria in the pelvic area that contribute to redness, irritation, bumps andodor.A lotion whichcontains vitamin E and Shea butter will also keep a newly manscaped area smoothand supple, which is half the reason for shaving in the first place.