Ji Ji Self Service Password Reset Tool}

By | February 27, 2018

Submitted by: Active Directory Manager

JiJi Technologies, the global leaders who are already in the vanguard in systems and security solutions for Active Directory and Group Policy based environment is proud to announce the launching of one more product in their product range for commercial availability namely JiJi Self Service Password Reset Tool.


JiJi SelfService Password Reset is a web based employees’ secure selfservice Active Directory password reset and account unlock tool. Using JiJi SelfService Password Reset web portal employees can securely self reset their Active Directory passwords and unlock their accounts without the involvement of highly technical helpdesk professionals. Also provision for password reset from the GINA (Graphical Identification and Network Authentication), in simple words enduser can password reset from the logon screen of their client machine.


Main Features

1. Self Password Reset

2. Self Password Change

3. Self Unlock Account

4. Self AD User Profile Update

5. Email Notifications

6. Account Status DashBoard/Report Generation

7. Password Policy Settings

8. Password/Account Expiration Notification

Additional Features

9. Multifactor Factor Authentication

10. Multiligual Support

11. Auto Enroll/Unenroll endusers

12. Mobile Code Verification

13. Invite Users

14. Search User Settings

15. Agent Installation and GINA Extension

16. Support for excluding AD objects from reports and charts

17. Pass Through Authentication

Brief notes on features

Since Self Password Reset , Self Change Password , Self Account Unlock , Self User Profile

Update are self explanatory, lets proceed with the next features.

5.Email Notifications

Administrator can enable notification settings, to send alerts during

User Enrollment

Password Changed by enduse

Password Reset by enduse

Account Unlocked by enduse

Password Expiry alerts to endusers

Password expiry alerts to managers

6.a Account Status Dashboard

This solution has been provided with a new module called, Account Status Dashboard. Using this provision, the Administrator is enabled to know the Account status of each end-user.

6.b.Report Generation

If he wants to get the status in a report form, he can generate the same with a click of the mouse.

The solution will furnish the following information about the end-users in no time:

? Password expired report

? Password soon to expire report

? Enabled Users report

? Disabled Users report

? Account Locked out users report

? Unlocked users report

? Inactive users report

Along with these account status reports,administrator can extract the audit reports on selfservice changes by endusers such as self password reset,password change,account unlock and selfupdate.

7.Password Policy Settings

For quick starting the selfservice process, JSSPR has been provided with default password policy settings with default selfservice configurations, administrators can add and custom design new password policy settings or import already exported policy settings. These settings can be applied to specific users of the Active Directory or Domain or Organizational Unit in the Active Directory.

Each Password Policy consists of the following options:

a) Enrollment Questionnaire

It contains default questions. But the Administrators can import built-in questions

from a chosen file.

The following tasks also can be carried out by Administrator:

Deleting/ Editing the Questions

Language support

Mandatory settings

Minimum Answer length

)Enrollment Settings

Question settings:

Under this settings ,the Administrator can set the number of questions to be answered, take a decision whether to allow or disallow custom questions of the end-users, number of custom questions to be allowed etc.

Answer Settings:

Under this settings, minimum length of answers for custom questions, whether to allow o

disallow the same answers can be set.

c)Security settings

Under this setting, answer settings, incorrect answer lockout settings, captcha display settings can be set.

Answer settings (for end-users):

Under this settings, the Administrator can allow visible or invisible answers and allow

or disallow case insensitive answers.

Incorrect answer lockout settings:

Under this feature, the password reset is locked out after the user attempts a specific number of times. And It will be unlocked after a specific time . The Administrator can set the above timings .

Captcha Display settings:

The Administrator can have the liberty of allowing or disallowing the captcha.

Likewise he can enable/disenable Audio captcha.

d)Password Reset settings

Answer Settings:

At the time of Password resettings, the Administrator has the liberty to decide

whether to allow the end-user to answer all security questions or answer random

security questions.

General settings:

The Administrator can enable/ disable users and unlock the locked out users at the

time of password resettings.

Password change settings:

The Administrators can set the Password settings in order to ensure that the users change their passwords at next logon or allow them not to change their passwords or offer the choice to their discretion.

e) Unlock Settings:

The Administrator can allow the user to unlock without answering security questions or fix the number of questions to be answered or allow him to answer randomly.

f) Apply to whom?

The Administrator can apply the policy to the scope (user/group/OU/domain)

g) Mobile code verification:

Under this feature, the Administrator will send a verification code to the user mobile

via email,by specifying the service provider’s email.From service provider, the generated secret code will be redirected to the endusers’s mobile. To activate this feature, Administrator must have already configured mail server settings availabl ein JSSPR.

h)Email Verification Settings:

The Administrator can enable, sending password reset notification email and also sending Password link to the enduser.

i) Enable/Disable Settings:

The Administrator can enable/disable user enrollment, password reset, change password, unlock account, user self-update policy.

j)Special Instructions:

The Administrator can issue Password complexity instructions, special instructions in enrolled page, Password reset page, Password change page.

8. Password/Account Expiration Notification

This feature effectively extracts the password or account expiry dates of employees from Active Directory as per your custom configuration, and send email notifications in the form of warning emails to employees, alerts to managers and administrators, before the password or account expiration of employees.

Additional Features

9.Multi-factor authentication:

Under this feature, three factor authentications have been provided as mentioned here below:

? Email notification

? Mobile code verification

? Security Questions

The Administrator has the complete responsibilty to decide on anyone of the same or all. He can also enable the authentication to the enduser by providing one way/two way/three way authentication. He/She can also arrange the Password reset authentication order:

(Security Questions -> email notification -> or email notification -> security Questions ->Mobile Code Verification) for the enduser. The authentication order has to be strictly complied with by the user, while resetting the password.

10.Multilingual Support:

Administrator can enable the multiligual support for endusers in major European languages at selfservice portal.

11.Auto-enroll/Unenroll Users:

Administrator can perform bulk user enrollment for a particular group/domain by setting answers to the framed questions, for quick ROI. Also Administrator can bulk un-enroll endusers to as per organization’s requirement.

12.Mobile code verification:

Using this feature, administrator will send a verification code to the user mobile

via email,by specifying the service provider’s email.From service provider, the generated secret code will be redirected to the endusers’s mobile. To activate this feature, Administrator must have already configured mail server settings availabl ein JSSPR.

13.Invite Users:

The Administrator can select the users to invite them to adopt the policy.

14.Search User Settings:

The Administrator can select the attributes which will be displayed in the Users Search Result page.

15.Agent Installation and GINA Extension

The client or agent set up can be downloaded and installed from the Password Reset Suite by the Administrator,which inturn enables endusers to perform self password reset/change password/unlock account/update their AD profile at the logon screen(GINA) of their work machine.

16.Support for excluding AD Objects from reports and charts

Administrator can also exclude specific AD objects from reports and charts,as per company policy.

17.Pass Through Authentication

Administrator can enable “windows authentication” on JSSPR’s selfservice portal for endusers,who are logging on to their work machine using their domain profile.

Upcoming Features:

In the upcoming version, we plan to offer “Password Sync” feature as a value added service, which enhances employees’ productivity by using a single password for his/her account in multiple domains and multiple applications.


1. Lowers enduser downtime.

2. Enables self password reset via, web based selfservice portal, GINA and mobile browser.

3. Secured self password reset using Three-Factor Authentication

4. Helps organization to reduce costs on helpdek/service calls, improves security and increases productivity..

For more info,visit us at http://www.jijitechnologies.com/jiji-self-service-password-reset.aspx

Pricing and Availability

For evaluation, JiJi Self Service Password Reset Tool is offered for 30 days trial. You can download the evaluation version from:


About the Author: JiJi Technologies are proven global leaders in system management and security solutions for Active Directory and Group Policy based environment. With world-wide extensive knowledge and vast experience in this field.support@jijitechnologies.com+91 994 048 0400




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