George H. W. Bush to attend Sydney CEO conference

By | October 18, 2018
 Correction — August 29, 2005 See Bush attendance at Australia CEO conference a hoax

Thursday, August 25, 2005

It was revealed today that George H. W. Bush will be attending the Forbes Global CEO Conference in Sydney next week. Mr. Bush is a wealthy businessman and member of Skull and Bones. He has also been President of the United States and the head of the CIA, and is the father of the current US President George W. Bush.

The conference will be held at the Sydney Opera House. The Forbes website says that at the event “senior figures from the world’s leading companies and institutions will discuss the best ways to nurture and capitalize on innovation and reveal the latest global trends.” Other attendees will be former New York mayor Rudolph Giuliani, Australian Prime Minister John Howard, former NSW Premier Bob Carr and, controversially, Steve Forbes, president and chief executive officer of Forbes Inc, and one of the signers of the Statement of Principles of Project for the New American Century.

Mr Knobloch of the 30A network described the attendees as “a few hundred neo-conservative corporate chiefs”. An article written by James Goodman and hosted on the 30A network website alleges a connection between Mr Forbes, the Bush family, and the policies of the administration of George W. Bush.

“Ironically enough, Forbes now leads the charge in the US business world against the ‘Axis of Evil’ (which of course includes Iran). Backing the US ‘War on Terror’ to the hilt, Forbes is one of Bush’s key business sponsors. In January 2004 it proudly announced ‘Bush is Best’,” the article said.

The 30A network is organising a protest in Sydney to coincide with the conference. It is not yet known if the ASIO risk assessment for the event will change as a result of Mr Bush attending.

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