Eric Allen, The Truth About Taking Mlm Mainstream And To Record Status}

By | May 3, 2021

Submitted by: Eric H Allen

Eric Allen is not your typical or traditional MLM top earner, and he is quite proud of this distinction. He has always been one to create his own path in life, centered around his passions and interests. Whether it is working with at-risk youth, coaching the game of basketball, or spending quality time with his family, he had never been one to chase the Almighty Dollar. Although Eric originally pursued a traditional college education in business, and graduated from a top-ranked business school in the U.S., he realized that his life would be more aligned with his values and greater purpose by becoming an inner city high school teacher and basketball coach. After seven years in the teaching profession, Eric received the opportunity to pursue another lifetime goal in getting the opportunity to coach Division One Basketball full time – even though it was a significant pay cut from an already very meager high school teaching and coaching salary. Although he is very proud of the accomplishments he achieved in during this journey in his life, including winning numerous state and national teaching honors, authoring a best-selling book, achieving various coaching recognitions, and, most importantly, making true impacts on the lives of his students and players, he also came to the disturbing realization that his current journey in life as a teacher and basketball coach, although intrinsically fulfilling and rewarding, was never going to allow him to realize the lifestyle or philanthropic goals he had for his family and greater future.

As Eric reflected and prepared himself for a major life shift – even though he was seemingly unaware of what that might entail – the world of network marketing presented itself. Eric, like many, had to break down his false predispositions toward multi level marketing, but decided that this profession offered the most legitimate means to begin to develop a “Plan B” that would ultimately get him to where he wanted to be financially – and he embarked on this pursuit while enduring a very hectic and grueling college basketball coaching workload. These often included 90+ hour work weeks, on campus, in practice, scouting, road trips, tutoring, and a host of other duties and responsibilities.


Eric Allen credits Brian Tracy and other top experts – who he actually chose to go into business with in his primary and only business opportunity – as the reason for his internal foundation for success, and meteoric rise to prosperity in network marketing. Believe it or not, Eric makes more on one month now than he used to make in over TWO YEARS on a teaching salary, and THREE YEARS on a coaching salary! More importantly, he is able to spend quality time with his family and be in a more powerful position to implement concrete changes and programs to benefit the lives of at-risk and disadvantaged youth.

Today, Eric Allen is leading the charge in cultivating a more mainstream and well-respected outlook on the network marketing industry. It is Eric’s conviction that as more and more genuine, success-oriented individuals from all walks of life experience the freedoms uniquely available in network marketing, the industry as a whole will serve to benefit and empower the lives of exponentially more like-minded individuals globally.

Eric’s current overarching mission is to rapidly and ethically legitimize and enhance the image of the industry by embodying and promoting a culture of professionalism, integrity, and true entrepreneuralism. Eric and his wife Casey now live an amazingly abundant lifestyle and are able to give back philanthropically to several causes they are passionate about – all because of their refreshingly straight-up, laid back, and “non-cheesy” approach to network marketing success. Eric is confident in his ability to transform and empower the life of any genuine, ambitious, and coachable person through the wonderful platform of network marketing!

About the Author: Eric Allen is continuing to inspire and galvanize thousands and thousands of like-minded, genuine professionals, both new to the industry and experienced veterans, because of his refreshing approach to prosperity in MLM. His rapid results speak for themselves, and prove that you do not have to be a “cheeseball” to experience all of the intrinsic and extrinsic rewards in the network marketing profession. To find out more about Eric Allen and to decide if you are in agreement with his philosophies, please visit his personal website at


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