California senator opposed to cell-phones involved in cell-phone related crash

By | February 17, 2018

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

California state senator Carole Migden crashed her state provided SUV into a Honda sedan while reaching for her phone. Migden has favored a new law penalizing drivers who talk on their cellular phones (aka mobile phones).

The crash occurred on Highway 12 in Solano County, California Friday morning. The driver of the Honda was taken to a near-by hospital for minor injuries.

In 2006, Migden voted to fine drivers a minimum $20 fee for driving while talking on the phone without a hands-free device. The law will not go into effect until July 2008, so she will not receive a fine for using her phone. She said that she has taken full responsibility for the accident.

The California Highway Patrol (CHP) is now looking into reports of another accident involving Midgen.

“We’re getting information now from the officers following up this morning that there was a second accident involving the center divider. Witnesses have her driving to the left of the number one lane and brushing against the guardrail,” said Marvin Williford, spokesperson for the CHP in the Solano area.

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