4 Secrets To House Training Puppies Success!}

By | May 24, 2021

Submitted by: Mak Stella

If you have a puppy at home, it will benefit both you and your puppy if you house train it. Just imagine the rewarding feeling you will get at the end of the training programme when you have successfully trained your puppy to learn a new skill. Moreover, you will most likely have a better relationship with your pet as you no longer have to experience the frustrations of a messy home created by your puppy or having instructions falling on deaf ears! However, you need to be prepared that house training puppies programmes involve a lot of work and effort too.

Nevertheless, it will be worthwhile to house train your puppy if you keep the results in mind. For all those puppy owners out there who might have the misconception that house training puppies is too difficult, here are 4 tips to jumpstart your training.

1. Research

If you are carrying out house training puppies programmes for the first time, it is vital that you do some research before you start. You can easily get such professional information from books or even from the internet such as from this article.


The most basic for house training a puppy is potty training. This is important because you do not want to return home to find waste eliminated all over the place! Get your puppy potty trained right from day one. Next, you will need to teach it basic commands such as ‘sit’ and ‘stay’. Following that, you can teach your puppy not to pull at the leash when you take it out for walks. You will also need to teach your puppy some socialization skills so that it does not jump up at your friends when they visit you.

2. Seek Professional Help

If you feel that house training puppies on your own is too tedious, you can seek professional help. Of course, you will have to be prepared to pay more for their guidance. An alternative to getting expert help, while at the same time not having to pay too much for it is, to buy professional videos. These video clips which will teach you how to carry out the training for your puppy in a step-by-step way to ensure that you do not have problems following. In this way, you can easily carry out the training on your own at home.

3. Use Positive Methods

If you have decided that house training a puppy on your own at home is not a difficult task, then the next thing that you need to do is decide on the method to carry it out. According to studies, the best method for house training puppies is through positive encouragement. You should offer lots of praises when your puppy has followed the instructions correctly and you could also give it some special treats like its favourite dog biscuits.

Puppies are similar to little kids, they respond better and can better retain what they have learn if they are trained in a stress-free environment. Reprimands and punishments will only cause your puppy to lose confidence and to be fearful of you. When you are successful in training and building a close relationship with your puppy, it will always listen to your commands and be on guard to protect you and your family. Thus, the advantage of house training your puppy on your own is that you are there to provide the emotional support which actually helps to build up the relationship between owner and puppy.

4. Extended Training

An additional tip for any puppy owners out there who carrying out house training for your puppy is to go beyond teaching the basic commands of ‘sit’ and ‘stay’ or potty training. You can go a step further to teaching it to ‘fetch’ an item for you such as its favourite toy and this could be extended to other items later on. Over time you can even teach it to ‘fetch’ your newspapers for you or to shake hands with you.

You just need to remember that house training puppies on your own is not a difficult task but you have to be very patient and give your puppy lots of praises when it has done something right. With lots of encouragement and possibly even special treats, the skills that you want to teach your puppy will be easily imprinted in its minds. Never use scoldings or punishments as that will only cause fear or aggression to be developed in your puppy.

About the Author: Ready to learn more

house training puppies

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