How Do Blood Diamonds Fund Wars?}

By | October 18, 2017

Submitted by: Joe Habbit

A blood diamond is a name that refers to a diamond that is illegally obtained and sold to fund warfare and terrorist activities. These criminal actions are mainly concentrated in African nations, but this is a global issue that also occurs in other countries. Rebellious war efforts in nations including Liberia, Angola, and Sierra Leone, are waged against lawful governments. In turn, the diamonds are illegally traded with illicit arms dealers in order to finance insurgent military actions. The United Nations, along with other international groups, have implemented resolutions in an effort to battle this illegal trade. Millions of deaths are connected to the trafficking of blood diamonds.

Diamond mines in these countries have restricted access, unfortunately, this does not stop the smuggling of diamonds. Terrorist organizations purchase and resell the diamonds to other groups who smuggle diamonds out of the country. The funds are used to buy weapons. The labor exploitation is another issue often linked with the illegal trade of diamonds. Many African miners are exposed to appalling living and working conditions. They are forced to work without availability of gloves, shoes, flashlights, and hard hats. The only tools they have access to are picks and ropes. In addition, the mine shafts are not secure and exhibit a hazardous working environment. Numerous miners have been buried alive in recurrent catastrophes. For all the life threatening occurrences, miners are paid less than a dollar a day and they might only receive $50 if they find a diamond.

Blood diamonds are the perfect currency for terrorist organizations because the diamond industry has been typically isolated. It is hard to monitor and track diamonds because blood diamonds can easily be included with legal diamonds. The blood diamonds disappear before it is found out that they had been included in a transaction. Many countries have begun efforts to track the African diamond trade to guarantee their diamonds are being purchased legitimately. Methods have been created to certify and track diamonds entering other countries. The blood diamond market has raised concern from a variety of human rights organizations and other institutions worldwide.


Efforts are in the process of improving the living and working conditions in African communities. Many groups are trying to reduce the labor and demand for the blood diamond market. Together with the African governments affected by this market, these groups are improving the health care and educational systems. Miners in these communities are receiving improved equipment to use while digging and mining.

In addition, legitimate diamond sellers are actively involved in an attempt to change the blood diamond market. They recognize that the illegal market hurts their business. Africa supplies about 65% of the worlds diamonds. This removes the relation to child labor, environmental damage, and human rights abuses affiliated with the diamonds sold from Africa. These efforts are targeted to make every diamond conflict free.

There are other situations where the blood diamond is traded for weapons without the reselling process. Eliminating this extra step reduces the level of ability to trace. Some believe that certain governments are involved because of the sophisticated level of management. The severe political and social issues occurring because of the blood diamond market has resulted with many responses. Millions of people have been killed because of this billion dollar illegal industry. Human rights groups and professional associations have joined their efforts which have let to the certification of diamonds. Certificates are included with diamonds tracked within each step of the manufacturing process. This provides assurance to consumers that their diamond purchase did not support the blood diamond trade.

About the Author: Joe Habbit is an article contributor for a Fine Jewelry website that sells

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