Increase Sperm Count Naturally With Herbs, Food And Yoga}

By | December 25, 2017



Vipul Sharma


Low sperm count, medically termed as oligospermia is a health disorder characterized by less number of sperms than normal count in semen volume. Problems causing this particular health disorder can be either of psychological or physical origin. Common causes reported for the formation of this health disorder include hormonal imbalance, malnutrition and testicular injury.

Regular doing of relaxation exercise is one among the best recommended natural remedial measures to increase sperm count. It is found to be very helpful for treating oligospermia due to high stress condition. It calms down nerve cells and improves blood circulation throughout the body. In order to prevent the risk of stress condition, patients are recommended to set aside at least ten to twenty minutes per day for practicing relaxation exercises. Deep breathing exercise of yoga is one among the common relaxation exercises recommended by health practitioners. Apart from improving sperm count, regular doing of relaxation exercises also helps in improving concentration power, slowing down breathing rate and lowering blood pressure level.

Charak samhita, one of the most famous ancient medicinal texts have dedicated whole chapter regarding increasing quality and quantity of the sperms. It has mentioned certain methods i.e. lifestyle and supplements by which sperms of great quality can be generated.

According to Sushrutacharya Testicles are made of Kapha and Medha (fat). Increased heat imbalances kapha and medha , thus affecting sperm production.

In ayurveda these herbs are called as bajikaran dravya (sperm quality and quantity increasing herb)


Regulate blood flow to the lower abdomen, keep the sperm count in check, boost the health of reproductive glands, prolong a man’s productive age, cure problems like infertility. Counter obesity and constipation, boost thyroid gland functioning and strengthen the lower back.


Stand erect with your feet a foot apart. Place your hands on your knees and loosen your belly. Exhale fully, hold your breath out and pull your stomach in as far as you can, such that it touches you back. Then loosen and release the stomach. Repeat this pumping action for as long as you can. Relax and inhale. This completes one round of Angnisaar Kriya. Do this Kriya for 2-3 times.

Note: Not for people suffering from peptic ulcers, heart disease, high blood pressure, slip disc and intestinal swelling.


Lie on your back and stretch your body. Place your hands beside your thighs, palms facing down. Inhale and raise both legs slowly, till they are at 90 degrees to your waist. Do not lift your head. Using your hands as pivots, lift your waist too and stretch your legs beyond your head, trying to touch the ground behind with your feet. Keep your knees straight. Hold this position for as long as you can. Breathing normally. Return to base position, bringing your legs back very slowly and ensuring that your palms and head stay on the floor and your knees stay straight. Do Halasana ones or twice.


Note: This is not for people suffering from backache, slip disc or cervical spondylosis.


Lie on your back. Bend your legs at the knees, keeping the heels as close as possible to the hips. Hold your ankles with your hands if possible, else keep your palms beside your hips, palms facing down. Inhale and lift you’re your back and hips very slowly and smoothly. Keep your shoulders and heels on the ground. Close your eyes and focus on the painful area of your spine. Hold the posture for as long as your can, breathing normally. Return to base position very slowly and relax. Repeat three times.


Lie on your stomach, facing down. Bend your legs and grasp the ankles with your hands. Inhale and raise the hind part of your body and your chest. Tilt your neck back with eyes closed. Feel the strain between legs and hands as your entire body rests on your belly. Arch the back into a bow, breathing normally. Hold the posture as long as you can and then return to base position. Repeat Dhanurasana twice.

Note: If you are suffering form hernia, hypertension and peptic ulcers, avoid Dhanurasana.


Sit comfortably in Padmasana or Sukhasana as shown in the picture, back straight and eyes closed. Breathe normally. Pull your anus and lower abdominal muscles up and relax. Focus on the muscles contracting and relaxing. Repeat this motion 200 times in two set with 100 repeats each.


Sit comfortably in Padmasana or Sukhasana as shown in the picture, back straight and eyes closed. Form the Gyan Mudra and place your hands on your knees. Exhale to your maximum capacity through both nostrils, and then inhale through both with full force. Repeat this process continuously till you feel tired. Do it slowly first, then speed up gradually. Maintain a rhythmic patter; the time taken to inhale should equal that taken to exhale. And remember when you breath in, your lungs should expand and not your belly. Similarly, when you breathe out, your lungs must come back to their original position. Do this process according to your capacity, 30-40 times.

Note: People suffering form high blood pressure, heart problems and migraine should do Bhastrika Pranayam slowly without undue force.

# Nutrients Needed to Make Healthy Sperm Count :

Zinc :

Oysters are often touted as an aphrodisiac food, or food generating sexual arousal. The key turns out there on the content of zinc in oysters. Minerals are necessary for healthy sperm production. Other sources are the main source of zinc is a ginger, sesame seeds, and sunflower seeds

Selenium :

Selenium is a substance antioxidants. Selenium protects DNA, nervous system, and prevent sperm damage. As many as 40% of sperm damage occurs because of the influence of free radicals. By protecting sperm from free radicals, sperm health can be more awake.

Vitamin B complex :

Men need vitamin B complex to improve body functions physically and mentally. Vitamin B6 and B2 plays an important role in the production of sex hormones in men.

?Foods that contain iron and amino acids such as spinach, seaweed, sunflower seeds, egg whites, and poultry

?Foods that contain lots of protein such as oysters, goat meat, red meat, turkey meat, wheat, beans, nuts, watermelon seeds, pumpkin seeds, almonds and avocados.

?Foods that contain androsterone, which is good for sexual stimulation such as celery

?Foods that contain lycopene, which many found in tomatoes, guava and red wine.

?Foods that contain folic acid found in broccoli, asparag-us, green beans, oranges, green leafy vegetables.

?Antioxidant vitamins C, E and B12 for sperm production

?Selenium sources such as tuna, red meat, poultry meat.

?Proper intake of Water



?Fruit and Vegetables

Increasing the quantity of sperm can also be done by increasing the portion of green vegetables like spinach, broccoli, asparagus, and seaweeds. Spinach contains amino acids, while others contain folic acid which also affect sperm production.While fruits such as tomatoes, watermelon, guava, and red wine, have a high enough concentration lycopine. Not only beneficial to maximize the production of sperm, lycopine also good to fight prostate cancer.In addition to nutrient intake, sperm health are also influenced lifestyle. For the sake of quantity and quality of sperm to prime then you should do is to avoid stress, avoid smoking and alcohol consumption. Such bad habits can damage sperm quality. Use panties that are too tight also worsen the quality of sperm.


Normally your testicles should be a couple of degrees cooler than your body temperature. So avoid wearing tight underpants and avoid bathing in very hot water or sitting in a hot tub to prevent overheating of testicles.

Maintain a gap of two to three days between two consecutive ejaculations.

Exercise regularly to loose excess fat and avoid sitting for long hours.

Sperm levels are generally high in the early morning. This is the best time.

Massaging the body with oil, a technique known as abhayanga in ayurveda, increases blood circulation and sperm count. Abhayanga slackens aging, boosts health and increases the libido.

Above is a healthy food you can consume to increase sperm quantity (sperm count / more sperm), sperm quality and sperm motility. Hope can help. – See more at:

Herbal treatment for sexual weakness, obesity, hair fall, skin problems, joint problems and all other problems

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