Ghana buries late President Mills

By | November 12, 2021

Friday, August 10, 2012

After two days of mourning, the West African nation Ghana is giving its late president John Atta Mills a state and military burial today at Geese Park, a bird sanctuary near the seat of government, Osu Castle, along the Atlantic Ocean.

His mortal remains, which were moved from the Banquet Hall in Accra, currently lie in a Ghana flag-draped casket at Ghana’s Independence Square (Black Star Square). The burial ceremony is ongoing as thousands have gathered to bid him farewell.

Eighteen heads of state; President of the ECOWAS Commission, Kadre Quedraogo; and Hillary Clinton, US Secretary of State are among the dignitaries present for the ceremony.

The Chief Officiating Minister of the ceremony the Most Reverend Professor Emmanuel Asante, in an interview with Radio Ghana earlier, has congratulated Ghanaians for uniting to mourn the dead leader.

Mills was 68.

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