When Alleged Victims Should Seek A Police Brutality Lawyer In Brooklyn Ny

By | June 23, 2018

byAlma Abell

Police officers put their lives in danger on a daily basis. However, recent news has shined a light on what appears to be a surge in police brutality. Police officers are given quite a bit of leeway in order to be effective at their positions, but sometimes these individuals can overstep their boundaries. When this happens, a victim may exercise their right to contact a police brutality lawyer in Brooklyn NY has available.


There tends to be a bit of confusion when it comes to determining exactly when police brutality has occurred. Police brutality essentially involves an officer using an amount of force deemed unnecessary against an alleged assailant. During a traffic stop, an officer may drag a cooperating individual out of a car and proceed to punch and kick them out of anger. In this case, it’s clear that the officer is abusing their power.

Not every attack by a police officer can be labeled as police brutality. In the previous example, if the assailant pulls a knife and attempts to escape or resist arrest, the police officer’s actions may be justified. If an alleged victim attempted to harm an officer or someone else, it’d be a lot harder to prove in court that they experienced police brutality.

If a person truly believes that they’ve been the victim of police brutality, they should contact a police brutality lawyer Brooklyn NY has available. A lawyer will need to hear all of the details pertaining to the incident. Why was the individual approached by the police officer? What was the individual doing when they were approached? How did the individual respond to the police officer’s commands? The answers to all of these questions will prove to be extremely important when the case is presented to a judge and jury.

With all of the claims of police militarization flying around, police brutality cases are being taken more seriously these days. If a person has suffered mental and/or physical damage from a police encounter, they should contact Edward Zaloba immediately. Remember, depending on the actions of an assailant, certain levels of force by an officer may be justifiable. Note the details of the incident, and work closely with a lawyer in order to prove your case. You can also find Edward Zaloba on Facebook.