The Eco Friendly Benefits Of Getting A Free Moving Truck In Beaumont Tx

By | March 29, 2018

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byAlma Abell

Make no mistake – moving is quite a process, and all the packing, loading and unpacking are no one’s idea of fun. However, your move doesn’t have to negatively affect the environment. It can be hard to determine which choices are the most eco-friendly, but if you Browse the website and use the tips below, you’ll be able to choose the greenest transportation options.

Moving Trucks and Fuel Economy


When you first start planning your move, deciding how to carry all of your boxes, furniture and belongings is your most important choice. Should you rent a moving truck or use your own vehicle? A diesel truck costs more to fill up, but is more than one-third more fuel efficient, so you will use less fuel overall.

Using Your Car

If you don’t have a lot of belongings, or you’re moving a short distance, using your own vehicle (or a friend’s) can be a better option. Pickup trucks get about 15 mpg, and small passenger sedans like the Honda Accord give you about 22 mpg or more. However, with a smaller vehicle, you’ll need to make more trips – and even with the smallest furniture, you’ll be better off getting a Free Moving Truck in Beaumont TX.

Moving’s Carbon Footprint

Every gallon of gas you burn produces about 19.5 lbs of carbon dioxide, while the same amount of diesel produces just over 22 pounds. Two gallons of gas in a moving truck will put out about 40 lbs of carbon dioxide, while five gallons in your car will put out just under 100 lbs. Burning diesel results in more carbon emissions by the gallon, but you can travel further on a gallon of diesel than on a gallon of gas.

The Verdict

Moving across town with a full-size moving truck will use two or three gallons of fuel, but you’ll only need to make one trip. A cross-town move in a passenger car or pickup will yield better fuel economy, but due to the smaller size you’ll need to make three trips (and use three times as much fuel). For every 100 pounds you carry, your fuel economy will drop by about 2%; if you’re carrying a heavy load, using a smaller vehicle will not save fuel over choosing a Free Moving Truck in Beaumont TX.