Defense With Precor Flea Spray

By | June 3, 2022

By Eliz Guide

Fleas are a common problem for many households, especially if there is a family pet in the home, but Precore Flea Spray can be your best defense. They can be pretty easy to identify, yet ridding yourself of these pests proves to be difficult.

If you have an infestation it is important to wash all bedding, do any laundry lying around, and clean your house thoroughly, including vacuuming your carpets and furniture. One can of Precore Flea Spray treats a 2000 square foot area.

It is easy to use and reasonably priced. To apply, simply turn the can upside-down, hold it a few feet from the surface you are spraying and push the button. When you are spraying you should be making a sweeping motion going back and forth with your arm.

Be careful not to soak the surface, as slightly damp will suffice. One application of this flea control method will provide protection for 210 days, by preventing the eggs from developing into adults, as well as killing any existing adults, hatching eggs, larvae, and ticks.


The best part about this method of insecticide is that it can be applied anywhere; home, work, garages, enclosed patios, restaurants, and more. When applying your first treatment be sure to treat all surfaces of furniture, rugs, carpets, drapes, and especially around pet resting areas.

It is important to know that just because the bites are most commonly found on the feet and lower legs doesn’t mean that these pests can’t be found in higher places. Flea control products like Precore Flea Spray are safe to use in all these areas and more.

Fleas are capable of jumping up to seven inches vertically and up to thirteen inches horizontally. They have agile legs made for traveling by way of jumping from one host to another.

This annoying pest is an external parasite that feeds on blood of mammals with a tube like mouth that can pierce through skin. They are dark colored and wingless. They have flat bodies, making it hard to even kill one by squeezing it between your fingers.

Their flat body is designed to assist in maneuvering through hair and feathers on its host. If you looked at one under a microscope you’d notice tiny hairs and barbs pointing backwards, which also assist in movement on the host.

They have only four life cycles, the egg, larva, pupa, and the imago (adult) flea. When they lay eggs it’s in batches of up to 20. Precore Flea Spray is a great way to stop the eggs from hatching.

The effects of their bites vary because people have different ranges of sensitivity. The initial bite may not be felt, however shortly after it is sure to be a red, irritated, and itchy. This irritation to the skin is caused by their salivary secretions, which can cause Flea Allergy Dermatitis (FAD), and in extreme cases anemia, tapeworms, and stomach flu.

These infestations should be dealt with at the first sign of the problem. If the infestation is not completely eradicated upon first application, you should apply Precore Flea Spray again fourteen days after the first treatment. An old trick many are familiar with if they suspect they have been invaded is to walk around in white socks.

When they jump on your feet and lower legs they are easier to see on the white fabric. If you do find these pests, be patient, it’s true that they are hard to eliminate, but with persistence and effort you will be rid of these little blood suckers in no time.

About the Author: Redwood Chemical is an expert in



flea spray


roach control


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