7 Secrets For Successful Home Staging

By | June 20, 2020

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Submitted by: John Clayton

When you are staging a house for sale, you need to know the secrets to it to ensure that you will immediately get a buyer. Home staging is more than just cleaning and decorating your house. It should also be about the creation of moods. When you stage a house, it will appear bigger, warmer, brighter and cleaner. It makes the house purchasable. Here are important tips to remember during this endeavor.

1.The first rule is to make the house clean as this is the immediate thing that a realtor or buyers look for. You need to eliminate clutter, clean the doors, windows, knobs, crannies, nooks and baseboards. A buyer notices each detail of the house and when he sees anything dirty, his interest would fade.

2.Home buyers have already seen many houses prior to yours thus you must make their visit to yours memorable. You can play soft and relaxing music on the background, offer drinks and cookies or show them a brochure or pictures of your house s specifications. This will make them remember things they liked about your house.


3.Make your house have the illusion that it is big by removing clutter. Store excess furniture, gym equipment, kids toys and other bulky things in the garage, shed, basement or attic. Make the kitchen serene by cleaning it and removing excess decors such as refrigerator magnets and photo frames.

4.Organize and clean cabinets and drawers. Remember that staging a house for sale allows people to look into closets. Remove clothes that you do not wear anymore. Organize your clothes neatly as this also helps buyers see how they should store their own belongings inside. You should do these to all the cabinets in the kitchen, living room and bathrooms. When they see that your house is organized and clutter-free, it will make it seem simple to clean up and tidy.

5.During an open house, it is not necessary for you to be present. You can let your realtor do the job. Buyers feel more confident and comfortable in asking questions to realtors than to the homeowner.

6.Let your house have a friendly atmosphere. If guests feel welcome during home staging, they will stay for a little bit more and leave with a constructive opinion of your house. Light aromatherapy candles and serve drinks and hors d’oevres and drinks. Bake cookies so that your kitchen will have a lovely smell. This will make the guests have a feeling that the house is functional and comfortable to be in.


Lastly, have a guest book in your open house for the guests to sign in and leave their telephone numbers and email addresses. After the open house, call them up and ask them about their impression they got of your home and how they enjoyed the experience. This will let you know the positive and negative aspects of the house. Act on the same complaints because when more than one person is saying the same thing, this may imply that it is true.

Apply these secrets when staging a house for sale to get immediate buyers of your home.

About the Author: Author Kenwood Porter writes about a wide variety of topics, from healthcare to real estate. Check out his secret tool for finding great

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